

Bonjour 👋 Glad to see you here!

So, let me tell you a little bit about Thé🍵saurus:
Thésaurus dictionary is a French - Vietnamese (and vice versa) dictionary app, which I developed while Christmas holiday in 2024, when I had nothing to do for my 4-week off from school in France.

The reason I developed this app is that I found it hard to find a good French - Vietnamese dictionary app on the market, especially for the Vietnamese language. Some are not up-to-date, some are not user-friendly.

Besides, back then when I was in university, I still remember switching between a conjugation app, a dictionary app, a cnrtl chrome tab for pronunciation, and a Linguee tab for example sentences. It was no doubt a hassle.

So I decided to develop this app to help myself and other French learners, especially Vietnamese, to have a better learning experience. However, this app is just a side project, so it may not be perfect. I know there are still many things to improve, but I still decided to ship a minimum viable product (MVP) to the market to get valuable feedback from my connections. From my experience, if I keep waiting for the perfect product, like putting some ✨Artificial Intelligence - Machine Learning✨ features, I will never ship it. So here it is, Thé🍵saurus.

I hope you enjoy using this app as much as I enjoy developing it. If you have any feedback, please feel free to contact me at

If you want to support me, you can buy me a ko-fi ☕️. It will help me stay awake and develop more features for this app. Thank you! 🙏
